These Things I Have Written...

                                                     Inspirations of The Holy Spirit


Sea of Tears

For years she was drowning,being pulled down in a sea of tears, into the depths of Hell.She tried to breathe and gasped for air,filled with anxiety and despair.She knew that somedayshe would die before her time.The stress would cause cancer.Or she would be beaten to death,her body left to rot,just like her spirit had been.She had lost herself, who she was,somewhere in the madness of his desire to control her.It was his living hell  that she was pulled into,and for so many years,  that was where she dwelled.Nobody could find her!Nobody could know  - the fear and the hell she lived! Then one day it hit her, the complete and total fear of dying by his hand anddying in his hell!It was then that she foundthe courage and the strength to call out for help.She peaked out of her hell and found a tremendous resource of help.There were others just like her!If only she had known,she wouldn't have spent so many years feeling alone, lost in the hell of a man  -living a hell of his own.Her life is changed todaywith thanks to God and all of the special people whospeak up for  victims rights.She no longer sleeps in fear at night.She is healthy and well with a desire to fight for righteousnesswith her friends out there for victims rights. 

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In His Hands

I looked across the fields today~and saw a field of new mowed hay.There was so much of beauty there~It lifted from me a load of care.You see, I had been very blue~about things I didn't understand.The answer came,"That's work of God's hand!"If all along life's weary road~we think we bear a heavy load.We'd find it easy to understandIf we'd only live in God's hand.Evelyn Howard  -Copyright  May 23, 1956

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When We Ride That Last Trail

There are sunsets filled with glory~on the pleasant earthly trail.There are days both sad and lonely ~when it seems that all things fail. But the sadness all will vanish~ And our failures disappear~ When we ride that trail up yonder~and the sunsets leave down here. When we ride that long last trail~and we reach the Holy Grail~we will all be very happy~when we ride that last long trail. Up there we'll see no sunsets.Up there 'twill all be light. Up there 'twill be all sunshine.There will be no dreary night. For Our Savior has prepared it~and we know He will not fail~and our way He'll lead to Glory! ~ when we ride that last long trail.  Evelyn Howard -Copyright 1940 

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My Prayer

Dear Lord, I cast on Thee my earthly care~for thou dost keep me through the years.And now I come to Thee in humble prayer~That Thou wouldst keep me from all fears.Help me each day~to do Thy Blessed Will.That I no more might go astray~to be with Thee I humbly pray.Forgive me for the wrongs I do and say.I beg of Thee on bended knee~And give me strength that I might do each ~of the tasks I know Thou sendest me.Oh Lord, I know not what tomorrow brings~But I'm content to do Thy Will.I know thou givest us all good things~And know that Thou art with us still. by Evelyn Howard Copyright 1950

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Be Satisfied With Me

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone,To have a deep soul relationship with another,To be loved thoroughly and exclusively.But God, to a Christian, says,”No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and contentWith being loved by Me alone,With giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me,With having an intensely personal and unique relationshipWith Me alone.Discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found,Will you be capable of the perfect human relationshipThat I have planned for you.You will never be united with another until you are unitedWith Me alone,Exclusive of anyone or anything else,Exclusive of any other desires or longings.I want you to stop planning,Stop wishing,And allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing,One that you cannot imagine.Please allow Me to bring it to you.You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things.Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I Am.Keep listening and learning the things I tell you.You just wait.That’s all.Don’t be anxious.Don’t worry.Don’t look at the things you think you want;You just keep looking off and away up to Me,Or you’ll miss what I want to show you.And then when you are ready,I’ll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than anyYou could dream of.You see, until you are ready and untilThe one I have for you is ready(I am working even at this moment to have you both ready

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